Miniature Sessions; Great BIG LOVE!

As many of you know, community involvement is part of my brand, my faith, and my way of life. So donating a day of minis for B.I.G. Love once a year is not only easy to do, but helps me reach a very-deserving community — families affected by childhood cancer.

The “B.I.G.” in B.I.G. Love stands for Brooke’s Incredible Gift. From birth to age five, a child named Brooke set an example for how to love and act with compassion, even in times of intense personal struggle. In 2006, Brooke’s struggle with leukemia ended, and in 2007, B.I.G. Love Cancer Care was launched by her family. I learned of the organization through my former teacher and coach, Susan Leining (another creative giver whose Cookies for a Cause activities raise roughly $20,000 a year for Alzheimer's research). Susan is one of many, many donors who help B.I.G. Love provide comfort care packages for newly diagnosed families, stock toy closets for pediatric oncology and hematology floors, and continue many other services at SIX Texas hospitals, 365 days a year!

You can see why I’d want to be a long-term supporter, and this was my second official fundraiser. Last year we did Easter minis, but this year, coronavirus made us pivot. We delayed the event, swapping Spring decor for Summer. Since it was a patriotic theme just in time for July 4th, but still mid-pandemic, I wore a mask, and each child had their own flag to wave as a safety precaution.

Minis are always popular, but when they’re also for charity, they’re irresistible! The sessions sold out in less than 24 hours. I had 18 families sign up, a nice mix of familiar and new faces. The event went smoothly, but let me give a shout-out to my priceless volunteers, Sophia and Chloe, who kept everyone organized the day of so I could focus on the art part. I also want to thank Santa Fe Soap Factory for generously providing their vintage car!

I waited till now to release this blog because July 23rd would have been Brooke's 19th birthday. We're donating the $800 in her honor, and you can help, too. The B.I.G. Love site is hosting an online auction for Brooke’s Birthday Bash from July 20-23rd, 2020. Check that out now, and explore their other pages when you’re ready to get inspired!
